Remote Support for DWR Faculty

Supporting Work in the DWR

The DWR Remote Teaching Task Force is committed to support all DWR faculty, regardless of their teaching modality. We are encouraging all faculty and staff to use Microsoft Teams to keep in touch with each other and the administrative team. We’re all pretty familiar with Zoom at this point, and Teams is a lot more than just video calling. Teams has reduced the volume of email for 12-month faculty and staff who have relied on the platform this summer.

Though you can access Teams in a web browser, we recommend you download the application for your computer and mobile device. Remember to sign into Teams with your UM Office365 email address and password.

Join the DWR on Teams

When you join the DWR Team, you’ll have access to the three public channels: General, Break Room, and Remote Support. You can chat with or call anyone at UM in Teams even if they’re not members of the DWR Team. The Remote Support button will connect you directly to the Remote Teaching Task Force for support requests. If you haven’t joined the DWR Team already, you’ll be prompted to do so.

Click here to join the DWR on Teams

DWR Rapid Response Team

The DWR Remote Teaching Task Force is committed to support all DWR faculty, regardless of their teaching modality. Feel free to contact members of the task force individually through chat or email below.

For general support, feel free to post to the main channel. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

When you click “Start Chat,” you will be prompted to sign in with your UM email account information. Then, you’ll have the option to open a chat in Microsoft Teams (or download it) or to use the web version. We recommend downloading the Teams application eventually, but the web version works just as well. Once the Teams window has loaded, you can chat or start a video/audio call if the person you’re trying to contact is available.

Direct Contact Information

If the recipient is offline, your chat will be sent as an email.

Contact the Rapid Response Team